Saturday, January 24, 2015

I'm in one of those states of mind the last few days.  I had a man I was recently dating that I just couldn't commit to.  The reason I can't commit, I cannot get Ted out of my head.  No, I wouldn't go back but why can't I get him out of my head?  Just leaving this out there, if anyone has any suggestions...I'm open to listening to them!

Okay, enough of Ted and him occupying a place in my brain.  It's been a relief knowing the pressure of competition is over.  Not having to set an alarm, lovely this morning!  Not worrying about how the girls are going to do, if everyone is going to hit their marks, if make up is done properly, all that pressure, over. 

I've spent this entire Saturday puttering around the house, all dishes are washed, working on laundry as I type this.  I cleaned the bathroom, that felt wonderful to be home to do these things and not have to be anywhere if I don't want to be!  I do need to go into the "big" town, but it can wait until tomorrow.

Yesterday evening we were at the grocery store and I had a kid vs kid issue.  My youngest wanted to go out to eat at Chinese.  Normally I would say yes but we're really working hard at keeping to my budget.  The older daughter of course in a more bossy tone, lol, said no need, we need to stick to the budget and not spend so much. I offered to hit up the dollar menu at Burger King, nope, not interested, she was sulking (youngest).  I've promised that out of my income tax I'm going to help middle daughter upgrade her car, not get a whole new one, but help upgrade some, but she has to contribute as well.  I need to work on locating a car for my soon to be 16 year old, going to ask her dad to pitch in, he's never done so for the other girls, he needs to kick it up.  Plus the car issues I am paying for the photographer for my oldest daughter's wedding in June.  That will probably be all of my income tax, but, well, gotta do what I've gotta do.

The budget has been doing pretty well.  I've started making my own laundry detergent, 1 cup Borax, 1 cup of Washing Soda and 1 bar of Fels a cap full of fragrance beads.  The clothes seem cleaner, smell better, and it's cheaper than buying a bottle/box of detergent!!!  We're making meals from home other than my offer of Burger King, I'm just really trying to get a grip.  It's been years and years of constantly juggling and I'm tired of juggling.  I do not expect anyone to swoop in and take care of me, I have to take care of me and I am.  Looking for extra side jobs to have a safety net.  I will do that, not I can, or I want to, I will.

That's pretty much my thought process today, My brain is a jumbled up mess in my head so I'm going to leave this here, go back to folding clothes...hopefully I won't be so scattered later.

Have a great one!

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